📝Tokenomics & Security

  • 100% of the tokens were sent to the liquidity pool

  • Token contract ownership has been renounced

  • LP tokens are locked

  • 1% LP fees for the culture. All revenues are to be used as tokens for marketing, roadmap development, future centralized exchange listings and bridges

For verification of token contract ownership:

NFT Token - 83

Team Wallet (0xe63c63cF6B64699cC159A3E280EdCc403080D96E)

Timelock Contract (0x648B3C525E7088D5f6673010B2B2A8c991483C80 (https://explorer.mantle.xyz/address/0x648B3C525E7088D5f6673010B2B2A8c991483C80))

NFT (0x5752f085206ab87d8a5ef6166779658add455774) https://explorer.mantle.xyz/token/0x5752f085206ab87d8a5ef6166779658add455774

Token Locked Epoch: 1698058813

Token Locked TXN

Telegram: https://t.me/mantleinu

Landing Page: https://mantleinu.xyz/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MantleInuCoin

Last updated